Premium Dedicated Servers

Premium Dedicated Server Hosting.  Superior support and service.  Value priced.

SimpleCom provides premium dedicated hosting for clients demanding the most from their web site’s performance and reliability.

You won’t find desktop computers stacked on shelves at SimpleCom.  Our web hosting service,, provides quality dedicated servers built on premium hardware designed from the ground up as a server, not a desktop.  Premium dedicated hosting, value priced for your business applications.

Our dedicated server hosting plans are all inclusive.  No hidden fees.  While some companies try to “win” your business with the terms “unlimited”, we earn your business with included services that contain far more resources that you should ever need.  If you want to use 100 Mbps of bandwidth all day, ever day, that is perfectly fine and acceptable.  We do not throttle our servers.  In fact, most of our dedicated server plans include 100 Mbps of unlimited and unmetered service!

Our servers by default include the following installed software:

Linux CentOS 5 | Apache Web Server | MySQL DB Server | PHP 5.x | Perl CGI | PHP MyAdmin
SendMail E-Mail Service | SSH | sFTP | M3Server Control Panel 4.x | Cron | And much more!

The following software is supported and can be enabled or installed at no extra charge:

Zend Ioncube | Zend Encoder | SourceGuardian | FFMPEG | Mencoder | SpamAssassin | APC Cache

Many more items, too many to list! If you have a software requirement and don’t see it listed above, you can simply contact us and we will be happy to research it for you.

Please visit our Premium Dedicated Hosting services for more information and the latest pricing.

What is is a service mark of SimpleCom, Inc.  It is a service of SimpleCom, Inc. and not provided by another business or organization.

- SimpleCom
Internet Information Services

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